Welcome to our Parent Learning Hub. This resource offers a variety of learning opportunities designed to support parents in their journey. From Montessori-specific topics that deepen your understanding of our unique educational approach to broader subjects relevant to raising children of different ages, our Hub will provide online, in-person and external learning opportunities. Join us to enhance your parenting toolbox, connect with other families, and create a supportive community dedicated to nurturing the development and well-being of your children.

Upcoming Opportunities

Parent Education Evenings at Montessori International CollegeParent Education Evenings. These sessions are a wonderful opportunity to gain deeper insights into the Montessori approach and see firsthand how it nurtures the holistic development of our children. Join us for an enriching and engaging experience!

Term 3: The Beauty of Montessori Geometry

Date: Tuesday 27 August
Time: 5.00 pm
Location: Montessori International College, room to be confirmed
Age group relevance: Primary
RSVP: Here

Discover the beauty and logic of Montessori Geometry. This evening will unveil how geometric concepts are naturally integrated into our curriculum, encouraging spatial reasoning, visual discrimination, and an appreciation for the harmony in shapes and forms. Experience the hands-on materials and interactive lessons that ignite curiosity and foster a deep understanding of geometry in our children.

Term 4: The Montessori Journey in Mathematics

Date: Tuesday 22 October
Time: 5.00 pm
Location: Montessori International College, room to be confirmed
Age group relevance: Primary
RSVP: Here

Embark on a journey through the Montessori approach to Mathematics. Learn how we use tactile materials and thoughtfully designed activities to build a strong foundation in mathematical thinking, from basic numeracy to advanced problem-solving. This session will showcase how we cultivate a sense of wonder and confidence in math, making it a joyful and integral part of our children’s learning experience.

LIMITED spaces are still available for your 3-year-old to join our Early Learning Community in 2025!