Caley Roe

Bachelor of Education (History Major) / Bachelor of Arts (English Major); AMI An Introduction to Adolescence Workshop.

Why are you involved with Montessori education?
My journey with Montessori education began in the United States when my younger sisters went to a Montessori Primary School and I saw them become more curious, confident and enthusiastic about learning. In 2013, when I was offered the opportunity to work at MIC as a pre-service teacher, I immediately jumped at the chance and loved the experience. I continued to volunteer at MIC in both the Adolescent and Primary communities throughout my years at university. Upon completion of my degree, I started working as a relief teacher, then as an Assistant in Nirimbaa (Senior Primary) and later as a Guide in the After School and Vacation Care program. After this time, I became a Guide in the Adolescent Community and have loved my time here.

These experiences with Montessori education have been inspiring and eye-opening. MIC truly provides an environment which encourages self-motivated learners who are capable of advanced problem-solving and independent thought.

What year did you commence at MIC?
I started working at MIC in 2016 as an Assistant, relief teacher and Guide in the After School and Vacation Care program. Since 2017, I have enjoyed working as a Guide in the Adolescent Community.

How would you describe what you do?
Over the past few years I have had the opportunity to work with various schools, teachers and students on the Sunshine Coast and I firmly believe that every student is entitled to an engaging and enriching education. The Montessori approach to learning is designed to do just that by encouraging a child’s inner desire to learn by providing them with opportunities and activities designed to develop concentration and a strong sense of responsibility for their own work. Within the Montessori framework, students also progress at their own pace according to their individual capabilities. This allows students who excel at a certain subject to follow their passions which is something I truly admire.

My goal as an educator is to provide students with a supportive and enriching learning environment which motivates and assists students in achieving both their academic and personal aspirations.

What’s your favourite thing about your role?
I love being able to inspire my students to enjoy learning about new topics and to understand the importance of learning about History and English.

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