Rachael Skyring

Rachael Skyring is a passionate explorer of the relaxed and playful side of life.  She believes in scheduling time in our efficient and busy lives to pause and breathe and smile and connect.  To let go of getting stuff done and simply enjoy what is already around us – the people, the environment and our own crazy thoughts and ideas.
Laugher Yoga is exactly that.  An opportunity to show up to pause and breathe and connect – and laugh, LOUDLY.  No yoga tights required.  The concept of laughing as a choice, a voluntary exercise, is a radical one.  Laughter Yoga is not an intellectual exercise, but a physical one.  When we come together in a group, agreeing to laugh shamelessly, while maintaining eye contact and connection, the laughter soon becomes spontaneous and contagious.  To stay grounded, we alternate laughing exercises with steadier yoga breathing exercises – hence the name, Laughter Yoga.  10 minutes of belly laughter can deliver the same cardio-vascular benefits as 30 minutes on a rowing machine – which one would you choose???  Plus a heady cocktail of feel good hormones including dopamine, endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin.  And reduces blood pressure.   Started in 1995 by a medical doctor and his yoga teacher wife in India, Laughter Yoga now happens in 110 countries around the globe.
Ready to give it a try?  There is really no substitute for being there.  This is a profound and uplifting experiential journey that words can only point to.  Look forward to seeing you there.
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