Sami May

Sami Ezzy

Parent Ambassador – Ninderry (Early Years)

What do you love about MIC?

I love being part of a community of like-minded people. I love how our children are valued and taught with respect and grace. I love how invested, dedicated and passionate the Guides and staff are. I love the focus on sustainability and caring for our environment. I love how life skills and emotional and social well-being are woven into the learning environment. I love our nature-filled campus. I love the events. I could go on!

What year did you join the MIC parent community?


How you would best describe your role as a parent ambassador?

Apart from the fun, the two main ways I’d describe my role are: 1. Creator of Community. Examples of which are organising social events for our families, welcoming new families, rustling up volunteers for MIC events and classroom help and supporting our Guides. 2. Creator of Connection. Examples are attending Parent Ambassador meetings with Chiray (our Principal) to bring queries from parents to the Leadership Team and information from the Leadership Team to parents, helping create support from parents for MIC initiatives and events and understanding what’s happening around the campus so I can answer any questions parents may have.

What’s your favourite thing about your role as parent ambassador?

Feeling part of, and helping to create, a beautiful community of kind, passionate and caring people.

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