29 April, 2020, By Admin

This is the first in a series of blog posts profiling our inspiring MIC alumni who are changing the world with their innovation, insight, civility and enthusiasm for distinction in all they do.

Years spent at Montessori International College (MIC): 

2001 – 2013 (2 years of age – end of grade 9)

Where has life taken you since graduating from MIC?

Since graduation from MIC I have completed a Bachelor of Property Economics at QUT (Brisbane).

What are you doing now? 

Since graduating university at the end of last year (2019) I secured a position with Lendlease as part of a 2 year Graduate program, which will encompass working across all facets of the business including Residential, Retirement, Retail and Commercial. At present I am located in Brisbane within their Commercial Development Division.

What did MIC instil in you as a learner, and how do you see those same skills serving you in your life now as an adult?

Being responsible for my own learning and having to manage my own time effectively are skills which are really useful in my current work position.

“My Montessori education built a foundation in various useful business skills, developed through learning to conduct our own projects at school.”

MIC Alumni, Emmerson Dodds

What lasting impact has MIC had on you as an alumna?

My Montessori education built a foundation in various useful business skills, developed through learning to conduct our own projects at school. This knowledge gave me confidence to operate my own businesses on the side, outside of university and work, and these have assisted me to further develop my own business skills.

What are your favourite memories from your time at MIC?

Bigger memories include having the opportunity to go to China, as well as a trip we went on to Sydney which the students organised themselves. The smaller day to day things that were also very memorable included baking bread as an activity in Michelle and Chris’s classroom, and learning Pi (using string) with my teacher Rachel out in the forest. I also really enjoyed cooking Wednesday lunches for the high school community.

Who were your teachers and how did they positively influence you?

All of my teachers were fantastic, and some of them (Larissa, Michelle, Chris and Sean) are still teaching at MIC.

Did any piece of the Montessori philosophy ever resurface in your life, and what was its importance?

Through both students and teachers being treated with equal respect, I have found this has helped me to be able to converse with anyone, as I don’t see myself as being lesser than or better than anyone else.

When you reflect on your time as a student at MIC, what are your biggest takeaways?

The learning is engaging so you absorb what you’re learning instead of just using it to get a result and then forgetting it.

“Through both students and teachers being treated with equal respect, I have found this has helped me to be able to converse with anyone, as I don’t see myself as being lesser than or better than anyone else.”

MIC Alumni, Emmerson Dodds

What do you value most about your time at MIC?

I enjoyed learning alongside people who were brought up in homes where their parents really cared about their education.

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