At MIC our Early Learning Classrooms, Goolum, Muru Kutchi and Ninderry, are classed as an ‘Early Childhood Education and Care service’. This means they fall under the National Law, Regulations, National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards for a Long Day Care Service.

National Quality Standards

All early learning services across Australia are measured against the National Quality Standards and given a rating in each ‘Quality Area’.

The seven Quality Areas are:

1. Educational program and practice.
2. Children’s health and safety.
3. The physical environment.
4. Staffing arrangements.
5. Relationships with children.
6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.
7. Leadership and service management.

At MIC, our policies and procedures are built on these key seven areas. You can find more information about the National Quality Framework and National Quality Standards at

Why have Policies and Procedures?

All Early Childhood Education and Care Services are required to have policies in relation to certain matters under Regulation 168 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations. More information on this and other Regulations can be found here:

The policies MIC are required to have under this Regulation are:

Health and Safety

Matters relating to nutrition, food and beverages, dietary requirements, sun protection, water safety, First Aid, sleep and rest, incident, injury, trauma and illnesses, infectious diseases, medical conditions, emergencies and evacuations, delivery and collection of children from MIC, excursions, transportation, child safe environments, staffing, interactions with children, enrolment and orientation, governance and management, authorisations, fees and complaints.

Educational Program and Practice

We must have policies and procedures in place that ensure educational programs are stimulating, engaging and enhances children’s learning and development.

Educational Program & Practice Policy

Physical Environment

We must have procedures in place to ensure that the physical environments are safe, suitable and provides a rich and diverse range of experiences that promote children’s learning and development.

Child Protection Policy
CCTV Monitoring Policy
Emergency and Evacuation Policy
Excursion Policy
First Aid Policy
Food Safety Policy
Handwashing Policy
Health and Hygiene Policy
Immunisation Policy
Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Policy
Infectious Diseases Policy
Medical Conditions Policy
Medication Policy
Providing Safe Environments Policy
Sleep and Rest Policy
Smoke Free Environment Policy
Sun Protection Policy
Water Safety Policy
Workplace Health and Safety Policy

Relationships with Children

We must have policies and procedures in place that focus on relationships with children being responsive, respectful and promotes their sense of security and belonging.

Educator Code of Conduct Policy
Etiquette, Professionalism and Grooming Policy
Interactions with Children Policy

Collaborative Partnerships with Families

We must have policies and procedures in place that focus on the collaborative partnerships between families and our early learning team. These include matters of communication and consultation. This includes the orientation procedures. 

Collaborative Partnerships with Families and Communities Policy

Our full policy manual is available at all times in the Foyer area of MIC’s Roundhouse. If you have any questions or feedback you’d like to provide on these policies, please contact