Extensive thought, collaboration, and consideration went into creating our refreshed Strategic Approach 2024 and Beyond which outlines our Intent and Values, defining who we are as a College, and our Guiding Principles, which shape our actions. Please watch this video for a summary or click the image below to download the full document.

Guided by our Montessori philosophy, we are a pre-K to 12 learning village that nurtures the whole child. Here learners confidently celebrate their individuality and ignite their curiosity as they become advocates for positive cultural and environmental change in their world.

COURAGE – Montessori practices are designed to encourage children to explore and learn independently. By allowing children to make choices and take risks in a safe and supportive environment, they develop the courage to tackle challenges, problem-solve and to learn from their mistakes, fostering independence and self-confidence.
RESPECT – Mutual respect between adults and children, for the environment and for other’s backgrounds and perspectives is deeply embedded in Montessori philosophy, which recognises each child’s unique personality, pace of development, interests, language, and culture.
GENEROSITY – Through the foundational Montessori principles of grace and courtesy, cooperative learning, and caring for the environment, children are taught to work together with generosity and empathy, to value the world around them and their ability to contribute to it.
INTEGRITY – Montessori methods emphasise the development of integrity by promoting peace, honesty, responsibility, and a sense of accountability among students, creating a strong foundation for life-long ethical decision-making.

TRANSFORMATIVE TEAM – Our team finds fulfilment and meaning through their passion for fostering freedom and creativity, embracing individuality, and contributing meaningfully to the transformative journey of our students.
COLLABORATIVE COMMUNITY – Proud of our collaborative community where members find belonging, support, and connection through their unique contribution to the College, enhancing the educational experience for all involved.
STEADY STEWARDSHIP – Strong, transparent governance ensures the long-term well-being and growth of the MIC educational environment.
PURPOSEFUL PRESENCE – Caretaking the precious land of our College with a commitment to sustainable practices and the creation of a harmonious and purposeful learning environment that connects students to our natural world.
HOLISTIC LEARNING – Where learning transcends academics, encompassing holistic education that nurtures each student’s unique abilities and encouraging the boundless pursuit of knowledge and self-discovery.