The Instrumental Music Lesson Program is designed to foster creativity, confidence and natural curiosity through the learning of an instrument or voice, participating in the ensemble program and participating in our concert series.

Lessons are for students of all ages and all of our tutors are exceptional with younger students.

Our youngest violin students at their debut performance at MIC, September 2019.

There will be a concert at the end of each semester giving our instrumental music students an opportunity to perform for their families. 

The Instrumental Music Lesson Program runs for 7 weeks each term. There are 50-60 students enrolled who take half-hour weekly lessons on piano, guitar, drums and voice. Trial lessons are also available. 

Lessons are held at the same time each week for each student to ensure punctuality and attendance. Tutors collect the younger students and return them to the classroom.

Instruments available are Drums | Guitar | Piano | Voice

Please email for more information or visit the MIC Parent Portal to book.

Instrumental Music Program Tutors

LIMITED spaces are still available for your 3-year-old to join our Early Learning Community in 2025!